Saturday, October 23, 2010

Spooky Pumpkin!

The youth at Valparaiso Nazarene Church are selling pumpkins as a fundraiser for trips and events. So go and pick out yours and create your own Spooky creation :-)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Paint the Clouds

I was on my way home when I glanced over at the moon and noticed that the clouds underneath it looked like they were painted on. So I rushed home, but by the time I got home then drove back to an open area it was too late :-( But I didn't want it to be a wasted trip so I took a picture. and this is what I took...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sneak peak!

Haha, Auntie C. Here is another one to add to the collection.... This is one of the many shots I took this morning....More Dresses and poses to come later.

Monday, October 4, 2010


I was getting ready to put some foil on the Broiler pan, when it fell off the counter top right onto my TOE! Good thing I don't have feeling in my feet, or that would have hurt a lot!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Final Product!

I chose these glasses because they have this red and black theme kitchen for their new home and I thought this would suit it just right. Etched in the glass are two different heart designs representing my Sister and her soon to be Husband. Connecting the two hearts is the words Together Forever. Which is what I picture for the two of them. :-)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Wedding Gift!

Today I wanted to do something creative, so I took a trip to Michaels and walked around until something caught my eye. I was in there for two hours until I walk to the very back corner and found some glass etching stuff. Then it clicked! With my sister getting married soon and me being in a wedding mood, I decided I would make her a wedding gift! These are the glasses I practiced on. Tune in tomorrow to see what I have in store for her! And my mom thought that is was so cool that she wants me to do it to her gift too. Looks like I will be heading back to Michaels tomorrow to pick up some more supplies :-) PS: If you know my sister DO NOT TELL HER!!!!

Per Katie's Request

Sorry, I have been really busy the past week and have not had time to update this. Here are some of the wedding pictures and one of the cutest little girls ever!. :-)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

An Amazing Day for a Wedding!

Took pictures of a wedding at the beach today. As you can tell it was very windy! But it made such a beautiful backdrop :-) The Reception was so much fun! Today was Awesome! :-D

Friday, September 24, 2010

Nervous Twitch

I am so nervous! I have a small beach wedding tomorrow followed by a large reception. This is where all my training will pay off. I just hope its for the best :-|

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Eye Review!

After three years I found a place that carried my glasses that my insurance covered since my family doctor wasn't covered. When I got there I asked the lady if they could match my frames and she said they could if they still make them...She was very nice and searched for me, sadly they were discontinued last year. That didn't stop her though, she got on the phone and called the place only to find out the same result. So she and another girl helped me pick out some frames  and we narrowed it down to two..But then I found out that they are actually separate from the eye place and didn't cover my insurance. But the lady told me if I call my insurance they might still reinburst me the amount its just they wont send it. Still waiting for my appointment I just told her that I would call later, but get this! She was nice enough to call for me. As she was on the phone I was called back and she told me that she will take care of it. I got my eyes checked which took forever! I miss my old eye doctor! two hours later the lady came to the back where I was and told me that they will cover it but they wouldn't tell her how much, if I send it in I will get my money back. She then offered to get the two frames ordered one smaller and the other bigger so I could see what they will actually look like. It was probably the best help I have ever had! The appointment sucked but she was awesome! So if you ever get your eyes checked I would not go to LTF, but if you are looking for glasses then their optical shop is Awesome! Lucky for me I don't have to get my eyes checked for another three years and this time its because my eyes were good :-D I do have to add that their eye tests were a lot different from what I was used too...FYI, This is my opinion and should not be taken to heart in anyway!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Off to the Loony Bin!

Meet the Characters!

Meet the Props!

Day at the Zoo!

Day at the Opera House!

Day at the Skate Park!

Back in the Day!

When should I go in to be fitted for my Straitjacket?